5 Pelvic Floor Strengthening Exercises To Manage Urinary Incontinence

The reason why you’re experiencing urinary incontinence every time you laugh, cough or sneeze too hard…

 Is because of a weakened pelvic floor

Your pelvic floor is a series of muscles and tissues at the bottom of your pelvis that holds your organs — like your womb, the bladder, and the bowels, in place. 

Many factors can weaken the pelvic floor in women, such as pregnancy, childbirth, aging, and weight gain.

If the muscles are weak, your pelvic organs may lower into your vagina. Besides being extremely uncomfortable, this can also cause urinary incontinence.




 Is there a way to strengthen your pelvic floor?

Yes there is! Through a simple exercise called the Kegel exercises — simple clench-and-release exercises that you can do to make the muscles of your pelvic floor stronger.

Important tip: Always empty your bladder before doing Kegel exercises. As a beginner, you should find a quiet, private place to sit or to lie down before doing your exercises. As you practice, you’ll find you can do them anywhere.

Ready to clench? Let’s get started with the exercise:

Exercise #1: Kegels


To do Kegels, you have to first locate your pelvic muscle.
Here are a few ways you can do just that:

  • Pretend you are trying to avoid passing gas.
  • Pretend to tighten your vagina around a tampon.
  • Placing a clean finger inside your vagina and tightening your vaginal muscles around your finger.
  • Trying to stop your urine mid-flow. 

The muscles you use for this action are your pelvic floor muscles. Get used to how they feel when they contract and relax.

  • To perform Kegels, contract these muscles and hold for 5 seconds. Release for 5 seconds.
  • Repeat this 10 times, 3 times a day.


 Exercise #2: Squats


  • Stand in an upright position, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and toes slightly pointed out.
  • Bend your knees and push your hips and butt back as if you’re going to sit in a chair. Keep your chin tucked and neck neutral.
  • Drop down until your thighs are parallel to the ground, keeping your weight in your heels and knees bowed slightly outward.
  • Straighten your legs and return to an upright position.
  • Complete 15 reps.

Exercise #3: Bridge


  • Lie on the floor. Your spine should be against the ground, with knees bent at a 90-degree angle, feet flat, and arms straight at your sides with palms facing down.
  • Inhale and push through your heels, raising your hips off the ground by squeezing your glutes, hamstrings, and pelvic floor. Your body — resting on your upper back and shoulders — should form a straight line down from the knees.
  • Pause 1–2 seconds at the top and return to the starting position.
  • Complete 10–15 reps and 2–3 sets, resting 30–60 seconds between sets.


Exercise #4: Split Tabletop


  • Start with your back on the floor and knees bent so your thighs are perpendicular to the floor and your shins are parallel to the floor.
  • Your abs should be braced and your inner thighs should be activated, legs touching.
  • In a controlled movement, begin to slowly split your legs so each knee falls outward, reaching a comfortable position.
  • Slowly raise back to the start.
  • Complete 10–15 reps and 3 sets.

Exercise #5: Bird dog


  • Start on all fours with wrists under shoulders and knees under hips. Your back should be straight and your neck should be neutral.
  • Brace your core and draw your shoulder blades down your back toward your hips.
  • To start the move, simultaneously straighten and raise your left leg and right arm, keeping your pelvis and shoulders in a neutral position. Don’t raise or lower your head. Hold for 2 seconds.
  • Bend and lower your leg and arm down back to the starting position while maintaining stability. Then switch, raising your right leg and left arm. This is 1 rep.
  • Complete 10 total reps and 3 sets.

PS. Along with these exercises, we recommend rebalancing your hormonal levels as an added line of defense against urinary incontinence.

When estrogen levels drop during menopause...

The ligaments of your pelvic floor might become thinner, weaker & less resilient...

Which is why during menopause, many women have increased incidences of urinary incontinence happening, due to their pelvic floor weakening.

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