Easy Tips To Keep Your Sugar Cravings In Check This Easter Sunday

How To Keep Your Cravings In Check This Easter Sunday!

Easter is the season filled with hearty family meals and sweet treats — in fact, the holiday is practically dedicated to baskets filled with chocolatey, sugary indulgences!

But the temptation of Easter treats might be too much...

Too much for the women who are prone to sugar cravings — especially if they’re menopausal.

However, to curb sugar cravings, we must first understand:


Why do we crave sugar in the first place?

Well, sugar cravings are mostly caused by the brain, triggering a response from the body to consume sugary treats.

Here are some possible triggers that causes sugar cravings:

Feeling down — Eating sweet treats increases serotonin, a.k.a the happy chemical, in our brains. So our brains, driven by a desire to improve our moods, induces sugar cravings which can be hard to fight off.

Hormonal imbalance — An imbalance of hormones, such as leptin (which inhibits hunger) and serotonin, can also cause food cravings.



Stress — If you are experiencing stress at home, on the job, or in your relationships, you may seek comfort from food. Given sugar's effect on your feel-good hormones, sweet foods are a natural choice when you're feeling down.

Lack of sleep — Scientific studies have shown that a lack of sleep is often followed by an increase in cravings for sweet, salty, and starchy foods.


All of these are, unfortunately, symptoms of menopause as well — which is why sugar cravings are so prevalent in menopausal women.


How to curb sugar cravings?

There are ways to fight off sugar cravings, and here are the top 5 tips dieticians and nutritionists have highly recommended:


Tip #1: Watch Your Sugar Intake

The more sugar you intake, the more of it you crave!

Try to be more alert and aware of the amount of sugar in the foods you drink or buy, and if possible try finding a healthier or sugar-free alternative.

However, if you are still craving sweets, try sugar-free mints to help fight the cravings!

Work slowly to decrease the consumption of sweetened beverages like soda, sports drinks and coffee drinks.


Tip #2: Try Fruits As an Alternative

Keep easy-to-eat fruit on hand (like berries, bananas, cut melon, or citrus fruit) to give you a boost of sweetness with the added benefit of fiber and vitamins.

Here are some fruits that make great alternatives:


Berries: Blueberries, raspberries, cranberries.


Summer fruits: Melons, peaches, plums, nectarines, apricots, and kiwis.


Winter fruits: Apples, pears, and sweet citrus fruit such as oranges.

Tropical fruits: Pineapple, pomegranates, mangoes, bananas, guava and papaya.

Dried fruit: Dates, raisins, apricots, prunes, figs, and most other dried fruits.




Tip #3: Get Enough Beauty Sleep

Getting enough sleep is vital for good health!

Not only will it help you stop your sugar cravings, it will also keep you energized throughout the day, lowering the chances of you grabbing a sugar-filled energy drink.

A tip for getting enough sleep is to set a regular bedtime and decrease the number of distractions in your bedroom. Try moving your TV out of the bedroom and charging your phone in another room.

Tip #4: Watch Your Diet

If you eat a diet that is low in protein, healthy fats, and fiber, you may experience blood sugar swings that impact your cravings. 

For example, if you eat a breakfast that’s high in sugar and low in fiber and protein (such as a donut or pastry), you’re likely to feel hungry again shortly after eating.

Because the nutrients your body craves for isn’t being consumed, and as a result, it causes more cravings to occur.


Tip #5: Maintain Your Gut Flora

If your gut bacteria gets out of balance, yeasts like Candida can flourish. 

An overgrowth of yeast in the intestine (or system-wide) can cause strong sugar cravings, fatigue, fuzzy thinking and digestive issues. 

Taking probiotics and cutting down on yeast-products can help you repopulate your gut with healthy bacteria, eliminating the sugar-hungry bad bacteria.


PS. One of the reasons why your body craves sugar is because of the overgrowth of bad bacteria in your gut: 


Meet the Candida bacteria

A bad bacteria that loves to feed on simple sugars. 

So when women start going through menopause, their gut bacteria is thrown off balance — resulting in an overgrowth candida, increasing sugar cravings.

But with the help of Provitalize — our probiotic supplement that naturally rebalances your gut flora and keeps Candida at bay — you can finally manage sugar cravings naturally! 


Introducing Provitalize!



With its unique blend of thermogenic probiotics, all-natural herbs & absorption boosters, it has helped over 850,000 women worldwide with: 

  • Sugar cravings
  • Poor gut health
  • Gut bacteria imbalance
  • Hormonal imbalance

… and many more! 


 Don’t believe us?

Check out what our lovely customer has to say about how Provitalize helped ease her sugar cravings:

“Provitalize stopped my sugar cravings!”
“After being on providilize for nearly 2 months I love the fact that I wake up in the morning with a flat tummy. I've also noticed that I have lost cravings for sweet and salty items. 
The key ladies, is to keep consistent. I stopped taking it for a week thinking the cravings are gone for good but it came back. Not complaining though, I’ve lost 10 lbs already!”
- Ericia E, ✅Verified Buyer


If you want to experience lesser sugar cravings like Ericia did, and start managing your weight better…

Why not give Provitalize a try and experience the benefits for yourself!


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